expo | Kastaar ‘Drukdoenerij’ in Kornèl

Kornèl | 24 January 18 March 2016

The ‘Drukdoenerij’ exhibition features original letterpress printed works from Kastaar, and runs at coffeebar Kornèl from 24 January until 18 March 2016.

Location: Kornèl, Sint-Lambertusstraat 1, 2600 Berchem, kornelkoffie@gmail.com or 03 501 59 22 (open from Wednesday to Sunday, 10:00 – 20:00) http://kornel.be

For more information: Kastaar, Transvaalstraat 26, 2600 Berchem, hello@kastaar.com http://www.kastaar.com/kornel/